Tag Archives: lora

Configuring Multitech MDOT for TTN

I have a Multitech MDOT-BOX for testing. Configuring it for TTN requires the following connection to a computer, after which AT commands can be used to probe and set parameters. The following resets the MDOT to factory defaults and shows the configuration overview.


Firmware: 		2.0.0
Library : 		0.0.9-14-g4845711
Device ID:		00:80:00:00:00:00:b3:76
Frequency Band:		FB_868
Public Network:		off
Network Address:	00000000
Network ID:		6c:4e:ef:66:f4:79:86:a6
Network ID Passphrase:	MultiTech
Network Key:		1f.33.a1.70.a5.f1.fd.a0.ab.69.7a.ae.2b.95.91.6b
Network Key Passphrase:	MultiTech
Network Session Key:
Data Session Key:
Network Join Mode:	OTA
Tx Data Rate:		SF_7
Tx Power:		11
Log Level:		6
Maximum Size:		242
Minimum Size:		11
Maximum Power:		20
Minimum Power:		2
Data:			0

After adding a device to application page on the TTN console with OTA activation, the following identifiers/keys are listed on the TTN console page for the device

Device EUI
Application EUI
App Key
Device Address
Network Session Key
App Session Key

From the Multitech documentation: In OTA mode, the device only needs to be configured with a network name (+NI=1,name) and network passphrase (+NK=1,passphrase). The network session key, data session key, and network address are all automatically configured.

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TTN/LoRa using Dorji DRF1272F module

Teensy connected to DRF1272f

Sofar I have been experimenting with LoRa and TTN using a Multitech MDot board and with a HopeRF RFM95W module connected to a Teensy, but I decided to try something else. Franz, one of the members of the TTN Nijmegen community, started experimenting with node-to-node communication using Dorji DRF1278F 433MHz modules. I’d like to support him in converting to 868MHz, so that he can post data to TTN once a gateway become available in his range.

The Dorji modules are currently among the cheapest LoRa modules available on Ebay. So some weeks ago I ordered a DRF1272F 868MHz module for about $8, which arrived this week.

The first surprise is that it has a 1.27 mm pitch header connector. The module has 13 contacts, but not all are required for the LMIC Arduino library. To make it more easy to handle, I made a custom break-out board that connects the required pins to a 2.54 mm pitch 8-pin header. Soldering the wires at 1.27 mm pitch was quite a challenge; you may want to use a magnifying glass, as those pads are tiny!

DFR1272f module adapter board

Based on the DRF1272F datasheet, the LMIC Arduino library documentation, and the Teensy pinout I connected it as follows:

 DRF1272F  |   Teensy 3.2
 RESET     |   nc
 DIO0      |   2
 DIO1      |   5
 DIO2      |   nc
 DIO3      |   nc
 DIO4      |   nc
 DIO5      |   nc
 3.3V      |   3.3V
 GND       |   GND
 SCK       |   13 - SCK
 MISO      |   12 - DIN 
 MOSI      |   11 - DOUT
 NSS       |   10 - CS

Please note that I did not connect the RESET and the DIO2 pin, which would be needed for FSK.

I used the following snippet of code in my Arduino sketch to specify the pin mapping:

// Pin mapping
const lmic_pinmap lmic_pins = {
.nss = 10,
.rst = 9,
.dio = {2, 5, 6},

On the software side I am using Arduino 1.6.9, the LMIC library and the same sketch that I have been using with the RFM95W module.

I had to change the Semtech radio from SX1276 to SX1272 in theĀ arduino-lmic/src/lmic/config.h:

#define CFG_eu868 1
//#define CFG_us915 1
// This is the SX1272/SX1273 radio, which is also used on the HopeRF
// RFM92 boards.
#define CFG_sx1272_radio 1
// This is the SX1276/SX1277/SX1278/SX1279 radio, which is also used on
// the HopeRF RFM95 boards.
//#define CFG_sx1276_radio 1

Following all of this, this node is nicely sending packets to my TTN application.