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Low-cost 8 channel MIDI controller

In one of the recent presentations with Per Hüttner we used TouchDesigner for live visuals. The gradual transitions between scenes were implemented using (invisible) sliders in TouchDesigner. However, making a full and smooth transition just having the MacBook touchpad to slide from one to the other side on screen was not so comfortable. Hardware-based MIDI controllers would have much better tactile feedback, like the Novation LaunchControlXL, the Midi Fighter Twister and the Intech controllers. Looking for more affordable options, we found a nicely looking ParksTool 8P on Etsy.

This triggered me to look into DIY options, and I found the M5Stack 8Angle interface, which consists of 8 knobs that connect over a Grove I2C connection to a microcontroller. I ordered the 8Angle interface online for only €15.00 and a matching M5NanoC6 microcontroller for €8.00 which I used to construct a simple 8-potentiometer MIDI interface.

M5NanoC6 microcontroller connected with a 4-wire grove cable to an 8Angle potentiometer controller

MIDI controller based on M5NanoC6+8Angle

The USB interface of the ESP32-C6 does not (yet) allow to do MIDI over USB, but the Control Surface library for Arduino does support MIDI over Bluetooth for the ESP32-C6. To connect it to your macOS computer, you have to start the “Audio MIDI Setup” application.

In the upper right corner you have to click on the Bluetooth symbol to initiate a connection.

The M5NanoC6 shows up as “Control Surface MIDI” and you can connect.

Subsequently it shows in the main panel of the Audio MIDI Setup panel as a Bluetooth device.

Using the excellent MIDI monitor application you can check that the MIDI signals are arriving, and you can assign them to the controls in TouchDesigner or in Ableton Live.

In my Arduino firmware I mapped the 8 knobs of the controller onto Control Change (CC) messages 0 to 7. The small switch on the controller allows switching between MIDI channel 1 and 2. The individual RGB LEDs on the controller change color along with the respective MIDI values.