Tag Archives: gtec

EEG combined with VR

We recently had a meeting at the Astron radio telescope for the COGITO project with Daniela de Paulis, Stephen Whitmarsh, Guillaume Dumas and others. One of the goals of that meeting was to try out the combination of the EEG system with the Oculus Rift VR system.

For the COGITO project we are using the GTec Nautilus EEG system. Our specific system comprises of a 32-channel wireless amplifier that mounts on the back of the EEG cap, in combination with EEG caps in three different sizes. The caps have 64 holes at a subset of the  locations of the 5% electrode placement standard. We are not using the “Sahara” dry electrode option, but rather the regular wet electrodes.

We started by removing all electrodes and cups from the cap, to get a clear view on which electrode sites are accessible. The central electrode locations (i.e. the z-line), temporal electrode locations and occipital electrode locations are occluded by the VR head mount. But there are still plenty of electrode locations accessible.

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